- Covid-19 is real. Stay safe.
- Wash and sanitize your hands frequently during the day and avoid shaking hands.
- Avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, nose and mouth.
- Wear your masks at all times and avoid touching your face. Remember it’s an offence to go out without a mask. #maskup • Sanitize your workspace i.e. disinfect the screens of your mobile phone, desktop, laptop, your keyboard and mouse on a regular basis.
- Observe physical distancing by maintaining physical distance of at least 2 meters always.
- Limit face to face meetings. If you definitely must meet, ensure not more than 5 persons in a meeting room and maintain physical distance of at least 2 meters.
- Delivery services - Pick up deliveries at the reception.
- Refrain from talking in the lift
- Sanitize your hands before and after touching the lift buttons. • Avoid crowded eating areas, observe physical distancing protocols while eating.
- Limit external visitors. All meetings with external stakeholders and third parties are to be conducted over the phone, zoom, google meet etc.
- Use tissue to cover your mouth when you cough and dispose of tissue immediately or Cough into your elbow
• Fever, Cough, Trouble breathing. aches and pains, nasal congestion, headache, conjunctivitis, sore throat, diarrhoea, loss of taste or smell or a rash on skin or discoloration of fingers or toes etc.
- If you feel unwell, alert your supervisor and stay home.
- If you need to talk to someone, call: 020 000 0000. 020 000 0000
- For general health care, call the tele medicine hotline: 020 000 0000,
- For severe symptoms or emergencies, call the Ghana COVID-19 number: 112
- For general information on COVID-19, call: 311, hotline – 0307011419, Mobile 055 843 9868 or 050 949 7700